The road we travel

Piecing It All Together

Getting Sick – As I look at things in hindsight I would say that the things that contributed to the onset of this particular issue were:

Stress; Lack of Vitamin D – as in time in sunlight; Lack of connection to the earth – as in grounding; lack of essential nutrients – as in good protein and a wide balance of nutrients to help the body heal and repair.

The things that I did a lot of were – cleanses such as Liver Cleanses; Fasts from three to five days and a number of other supplements to cleanse the body. I’d say I was not doing enough to build the cells in my body, as coffee was a food group for me many days when I would have a cup to keep me going and perhaps skip eating. While my diet would not be classified as unhealthy – mainly vegetarian, some meat from time to time, decent amount of vegetables there was not enough focus on full and complete nutrition to balance out lack from other places. Hereditary issues of cancer such as having the Brca 1 or 2 gene have not been indicated in my particular instance, so that is not a contributor.

In the beginning, the first time I had a lump appear, I was able to reduce it from the size of a golf ball to the size of a marble over the course of a couple of weeks, through energy work which I did on myself and then the releasing of strong emotions using techniques such as The Release Technique. I thought that things would continue their trajectory and in hindsight – my 20:20 vision, I now realize I should have added in a lot more things to make sure my body was in a position to get to NED (no evidence of disease) and just stay there.

My Main Mistakes, if I were to call them that would be:

1) Not keeping all systems go until the lump dissolved completely v’s expecting it to continue decreasing just because it had done so previously.

2) Would be not managing stress in life, as the next incidence of increase in the size of the lump was right in the middle of a high stress time. Also, I was ignorant to the impact that stress had and would have again on my cellular health;

3) Following alternative treatments without systems of measurement – eg; I was not doing blood work or other such diagnosis so that I would have additional internal information that I could see what impact anything was having. Eg; when I finally ended up in hospital, it was because my kidney function was weak (25%) my calcium was through the roof and my electrolytes were completely out of whack – which when combined could have resulted in a heart related incident that would have made it next to impossible to bounce back to recovery;

4) Would be failing to respond quickly when I had visual evidence that things were not working as planned – eg. I was working with an alternative Dr in NY who was having good success with other cancer patients. In my case however, the treatments and expected outcomes never panned out for me the way that we had expected, eg – if we expected the tumor to have a shrinking response it expanded, if we thought a boil should dissolve in the body it would break through the skin and so on. My point is, I should only have needed to see that pattern three times to realize, this is not working for me right now.  Instead my loyalty and belief in said practitioner kept me coming back even though my evidence was indicating – this is not working I need to do something else. In this instance Covid was my blessing as it made travel to NY from Maine impossible so I had to find another solution.

5) Would be, not involving enough people and friends into my solution circle as that is where the next round of solutions came from.

Solutions: I am a very lucky person, blessed. In the midst of all this chaos, I had friends who started to show up for me and were about to drag me to help if I didn’t get to it soon.

1) While shopping for me a friend connected with a Dr., who encouraged me to get additional testing. The timing was critical as it was when my systems were so out of balance they were crashing down;

2) Was in hospital, prayers were flying in for me and I saw time and time again solutions appear in the eyes of the wonderful doctors and nurses who served me while I was in their excellent care;

3) Was when my brother arrived from overseas to spend time with me on recovery. On arrival he brought a whole new field of information to me that lead me to people and solutions such as Life Works Wellness Center in Clearwater Florida.

4) Was a friend/co-worker who called after they had heard of diagnosis from my boss. They introduced me to the Joe Tippens Protocol and it is I am convinced the main thing that has been contributing to me general wellbeing as I wait for additional treatments and there are more;

5) Is Dr. Shar in Bangor who administers Vitamin C IVs and other helpful items that are not readily accessible in Northern Maine. She is committed to choice for the patient in healing. Good friends of mine had encouraged me to connect with her before April/hospital and I was not ready at the time, afterwards it lined up perfectly with my new information

6) Are friends; from work who: helped clear my lawn, sew new tops for me, do shopping, bring my daughter for fun afternoons and so on; My neighbors and church friends who helped, prayed, and showed up when I needed them; and my friends Robbie and Roisin who set up the go fund me page for me.  All my friends who have just emerged and helped out with funds to allow me to do these additional therapies that hopefully will help and of course my friend Linda who is my steady steady.

Next Steps: Are now we are somewhat settled in Ireland and am about to start additional treatments here for the next few weeks – radiotherapy and then chemotherapy. Once the opportunity arises I plan on traveling to Vienna and the Integrative Immune Oncology Treatment Center to do some therapies that will stimulate my immune system to get involved with the healing of my body. Cancer is tricky and the cells are disguised in a way that the immune system does not recognize them as a threat to the body so the immune system does not destroy them as it would naturally if It saw them as a problem. Immunotherapy Drugs can stimulate the immune system to have a response or alternatively treatments such as whole body hyperthermia can stimulate the immune system to have a response. I will post progress and notes as I move along as well as observations of which treatments are working and how they feel – stay tuned. This clinic has a really good (in my opinion) description of immunology and how it helps.

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