I have spent the last month in Vienna attending the Center for Integrative Immune Oncology in the excellent care of Dr. Ralph Kleef and his staff. The program there I was working with included immunotherapy, heat therapy – ie. Hyperthermia, and various infusions such as High Dose Vitamin C, Mistletoe Therapy and more. It was an intense month and I feel better and I am stronger than I was going into it.
Recently I was approached online by someone who believed that I was promoting quackery- Jan 9th 2020. On this site I am only writing about steps that I have taken to improve my own health. According to my first clinical analysis I am already dead, I could have been dead by June 18th 2020 and I would definitely be dead by October 18th 2020. I have been taking as many steps as I can on my journey to stay alive. Funds from my GoFundMe page and friends went to cover my expenses in Austria at a clinic run by a licensed published Oncologist and they covered about 60% of the cost. The rest has been funded by my credit cards. I have already stated on this website that I am just writing about the steps I am taking so that people know where their funds and support went. You have to do your own research, I am not a doctor, and according to my initial diagnosis I should not even be here, and I am grateful that I am – nothing that I have come across works for everyone – both conventional/standard care and non conventional which has elements of quackery in places and conventional has its own issues if it does not work to clean the problem up quickly. Incase it is not clear, I will state it again. Information on this Website is for general information only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any sort. I am not a doctor, do your own research. Readers of this site should not rely on information provided here for their own health problems. Any questions regarding your own health should be addressed to your own physician or other healthcare provider. I am going to go through the site and remove any language that could be misinterpreted. Life is a gift and it should be treated as such.
Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses certain parts of a person’s immune system to fight diseases such as cancer by boosting the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer. It uses substances made by the body or in a laboratory to improve how your immune system works to find and destroy cancer cells. It is generally administered by IV, stimulating, or boosting, the natural defenses of your immune system so it works harder or smarter to find and attack cancer cells. Sometimes the immune system doesn’t see the cancer cells as foreign because the cells aren’t different enough from normal cells, other times the immune system recognizes the cancer cells, but the response might not be strong enough to destroy the cancer. Another issue is that cancer cells themselves can also give off substances that keep the immune system from finding and attacking them. To overcome this, researchers have found ways to help the immune system recognize cancer cells and strengthen its response so that it will destroy them. I received three immunotherapy sessions while in treatment.
Hyperthermia also known as thermotherapy focuses on the fact that cancer cells are generally heat sensitive. It generally uses a machine or a chamber to achieve a mean body temperature higher than normal. High body temperature is often caused by illness, such as fever or heat stroke. Research has shown that elevated body temperature can damage and kill cancerous cells with minimal injury to normal cells. Hyperthermia may shrink tumors and may make some of the tumor cells more prone to radiations or damage other cancer cells which cannot be damaged by radiation. Various techniques of hyperthermia include local, regional and whole body hyperthermia. Hypothermia is the cause of many diseases, hypothermia refers to a low body temperature, which is generally caused by poor circulation. A continually low body temperature will result in a weaker immune system and causes the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which once activated promotes the inflammation process. By heating up the body, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and this activates lymphocytes to improve our immune function. People with a lot of stress will tend to have a greater risk of poor circulation. Cancer patients usually have a low body temperature. If the body temperature is around 36+ degrees Celsius/96.8 fahrenheit our body functions will have a sufficient amount of immune functions, however if our body temperature is around 35 C our immune functions decline, this is the optimal temperature for cancer cells to be active. A 1C drop in body temperature will cause our immune function to decline by 40%. The 4th Treatment for Medical Refugees – Dr. Nobuhiro Yoshimizu I received various types and lengths of Hyperthermia treatments while at the clinic. Usually whole body hyperthermia, which was generally in a heated chamber, with close monitoring of heart, body temperature, electrolytes, etc. These treatments generally worked in two ways. 1) the heat treatment targets the cancer cells – which do not survive well in temperatures well above 37C or 98.6F and 2) it stimulates the body’s natural immune system response. Cancer patients generally do not have the ability to run a fever naturally. My body temperature has always been below average. If 98.6F or 37C is considered normal – usually I run at 97 or sometimes lower. This has been the case for as long as I have tracked temperature.
Mistletoe Therapy is an anthroposophical medicine/form or alternative therapy and can be integrated with conventional cancer treatment. It involves the prescribed use of mistletoe by qualified doctors and nurses. The mistletoe is obtained from the European mistletoe plant (Viscum album L.) and is pharmaceutically prepared and in Europe generally comes from Germany. Basic research shows that mistletoe extracts may stimulate the immune system to fight cancer. Studies in humans show that mistletoe treatment may improve symptoms and reduce side effects of cancer treatments. A few studies indicate it may also have some effects on survival. Mistletoe is a hemi (partial) parasite which attaches to a tree via suckers roots and absorbs some water and nutrients from its host plant. However, it also produces some of its own food via photosynthesis in its green leaves. It can be found on a variety of host plants including apple, lime, poplar, sycamore, ash and hawthorn, it is rarely found on oak. There are over 35 varieties of mistletoe, which plant it attaches to determines the chemical nature of the berry. In order to determine which variety could be most successful in assisting the immune system, a mistletoe differentiation test is required. In this test a lab extracts circulating cells from the patients blood and administers the different available types of mistletoe to the cells in test tubes or other similar matter. The one that has the most response to cells in vitro will be the one selected for that specific patient. Mistletoe is generally administered by the patient through self injection. In my case, of the various types of mistletoe tested – over 20, only 5 had any impact on the cells in vitro and the Mistletoe coming from the Oak tree was the most effective by far for me.
High Dose Vitamin C. Nearly 60 years ago Toronto physician William McCormick observed that cancer patients often presented with severely low levels of vitamin C in their blood and featured scurvy-like symptoms, leading him to postulate that vitamin C might protect against cancer by increasing collagen synthesis. In 1972, extending this theory, Ewan Cameron, a Scottish surgeon, hypothesized that ascorbate could suppress cancer development by inhibiting hyaluronidase, which otherwise weakens the extracellular matrix and enables cancer to metastasize. He began treating terminally ill cancer patients and published a case report of 50 patients in which some of the treated patients benefited from high dose vitamin C. Cancer researchers have homed in on how high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells. Vitamin C breaks down to generate hydrogen peroxide, which can damage tissue and DNA. The new study shows that tumor cells with low levels of catalase enzyme activity are much less capable of removing hydrogen peroxide than normal cells, and are more susceptible to damage and death when they are exposed to high doses of vitamin C. Generally tests are done to determine if 1) a patient will have a positive reaction to high dose vitamin C and 2) a separate test – such as The Greek Test or a Biological Test is done to determine the potential impact something like High Dose Vitamin C would have on a patient. I have had both tests done. In Austria I had numerous High Dose Vitamin C treatments – these are done via IV, Note Oral Vitamin C and Intravenous Vitamin C have different impacts on the body, and my understanding is that high dose oral Vitamin C is not helpful for some cancers.
The treatments mentioned above were the main treatments received in Vienna. I was able to stay in a lovely airbnb about a 2 mile walk from the clinic. Fortunately for me if I varied my walk slightly I could walk through the Schonenberg Palace Gardens. Information on this Website is for general information only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any sort. I am not a doctor, do your own research. Readers of this site should not rely on information provided here for their own health problems. Any questions regarding your own health should be addressed to your own physician or other healthcare provider.
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