As I am moving along this journey it never ceases to amaze me how many solutions are available. What amazes me even more is the resistance that we can have to the ones that are simple but perhaps come across as more extreme – simply because we have never experienced them before or they also serve to highlight some of our baseline fears.
In this instance I am talking about Fasting and intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has gained popularity in recent years, there is a very good book about it by Jason Fung which I read a few years ago – The Complete Guide to Fasting. Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate Day and Extended Fasting. I have done fasts in the past, both long and short term of no food, numerous Juice fasts, The Lemonade Diet and so on. I am circling back at this idea now as my brother recently introduced me to Cole Robinson who has created The Snake Diet.
Cole has worked with himself and a number of people using this method and some have seen very drastic results, from repairing type 2 Diabetes to success with cancer patients. Now user alter! – Cole has a high usage of F words in his vocabulary, like a lot, if that is potentially offensive to you then have someone else watch so that you can receive the valuable information. Here is his youtube channel and he has lots of stories on it, you can also search the channel for the information you are looking for.
What is the Snake Diet? Usually you will take one of two pathways on it. 1) no eating as in no eating and you will supplement yourself with what he calls “snake Juice” which is water with essential salts that will help your body filter, energize and function while you are on the fast. 2) is no food and no water for 48 – 72+ hours. This is only generally done/recommended when very serious health conditions are being addressed.
How does it work? Well the general idea is as follows, here goes. Most intermittent fasting is done as follows, for example in a 24-hour day, you would have a 6-8-hour food window during which you would eat, and fast on water and zero calorie foods the remaining 16-18 hours. Say you would eat between 11 and 5pm and then not eat anything from 5pm to 11am. People working with the Ketogenic Diet in particular like this model as they can get their body into ketosis and then ideally, they would hold it there in ‘Ketosis” for as long as possible. Why get into Ketosis? Ketosis is a process that happens when your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead, it burns fat and makes things called ketones, which it can use for fuel. In short, between intermittent fasting and ketosis, the body burns up any available glucose and then switches to burning fat. What Cole has found from testing people is that it takes 48 hours of not eating to eliminate all glucose from the liver, so he does not really recommend the standard 6/18 or 8/16 food windows as they are not really maximizing the full benefit of fasting.
What happens when you fast – well in addition to starving cancer cells, which are actually much weaker than a healthy cell, by removing digesting food from the body’s required actions there are a sleuth of other benefits such as: Better blood sugar control by controlling insulin; Fasting seems to cause healthy cells to protect themselves and makes carcinogenic ones more susceptible to treatments that seek to destroy them; It speeds up metabolism. This can increase your energy and lead to long-term weight-loss benefits; It relieves inflammation linked to the development of neurodegenerative disorders, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis; and may allow you to live longer. There is a lot of evidence, including all the aforementioned benefits of fasting, that points in that direction. It may enhance heart health by improving blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol levels; it may boost brain function and prevent neurodegenerative disorders; Aids weight loss by limiting calorie intake and Boosting Metabolism; and the big one for those looking to repair and recover and have a more youthful experience increases growth hormone secretion, which is vital for growth, metabolism, weight loss and muscle. In this case, i.e., in the case of a chronic disease such as cancer, cancer cells generally prefer glucose for food and have less if any use for ketones.
Shouldn’t everyone be doing this? Well arguably yes, the general idea is that we were not designed to have three plus ofttimes processed meals a day. Our bodies are naturally designed for a feast or famine experience. Anyone who is familiar with pets, particularly where they have a lot of outdoor freedom will notice that if eg a dog sustains some sort of injury, their first action will be to find a quiet place like a bush and lie there not eating or drinking until they have resolved the first issue that was the injury.
So, the Snake Diet generally recommends 1 of 2 paths, either wet or dry fasting. If someone has a lot of weight to play with, wet fasting is ideal for weight loss and so on. If someone has a more extreme health condition, dry fasting is like wet fasting on steroids. In the instance with someone with a chronic health condition like cancer, who is underweight, then dry fasting is still recommended but you have to regain any weight lost over the dry fasting days before you start again. It seems pretty extreme, but it’s free and quick. Something to think about. Now people who are dry fasting need to plan to stay at home and not be out and about during the dry fast period. Here are some links to Cole’s videos. I’m going to be adding this into my routine pronto. I just received the Snake Diet Electrolytes today. You can also make your own following Cole’s recipe. The things this can potentially help heal are unlimited.
Going on a fast or letting people know that you are going on a fast can elicit lots of responses like. Aren’t you going to die if you don’t eat or drink for 2 days? The answer is no. Won’t you starve? The answer is no (not unless you did it for weeks or months past your ability) Will you have any energy? The Snake Juice has enough salts to support the body and it seems like many people have lots of energy once the body goes into ketosis. Like if you have enough weight on you, you could workout, go to the gym. How long can people dry fast? 2, 5, 10 days or longer, it would depend on the individual. I’m on board for my health’s sake as it seems to help the body repair. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Stay well and know that “I Love You.”
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