Many People ask me, what did I do, where was it? and when was it?
The Triggers
This is the general story of my journey.
Early 2019 I had a period of stress that triggered the start of everything. What did stress look like for me? I would not have said I was stressed, I would have said I was busy. What did busy look like for me? It was a good deal of work combined with what seemed like a limited amount of time and money. I was working a couple of jobs and at the same time I was renovating a building on the side with the goal of getting ahead financially and also working my most important role as a single parent.
It was April 2019, the longest coldest winter I can remember, lots and lots of snow shovelling, driveways to keep clear, roofs to shovel off and plenty of costs, more vacant buildings that I liked and so on.
After a weekend of working renovating one building, painting it, getting it ready to rent so that there would be cashflow coming in, I noticed that a lump on my breast had started to rapidly increase in size. It went from a marble size to a golf ball size in about 2 weeks it seemed.
I promised myself I would take the summer off to address it. I did not have health insurance at the time as both of my jobs were part time and I was in the income category where paying for it personally wasn’t possible as I just did not have enough funds, meanwhile I did not qualify for standard healthcare as I either was part time or I made too much income – a strange spot to be in,
I adjusted my diet, started taking some herbs and headed into the summer. Usually I was good at turning things around, this time I was not able to for whatever reason. Summer of 2020 I went on a raw food diet, I had been vegetarian for a number of years and I was taking a number of supplements on the side. One of them that I was taking was bloodroot. It was recommended on some sites, and I was taking it both internally and applying it to my skin. It did not work for me, things just continued to grow and expand while taking it. In October 2019 I started working with a Dr In NYC – a holistic practitioner. Some of the things he recommended helped, others did not. At one point it seemed like things would go the opposite direction of what was expected.
Covid hit in January/Feb of 2020 and travel to NYC was no longer possible. Unfortunately for me, the two months of no travel between March and April, resulted in a rapid decline in my overall health. It may have happened anyway but it definitely happened then. I found myself, very weak, at about 75% of my usual bodyweight, my arm had empedema and I continued to witness the changes in my left breast.
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