Manifest Your Vision
I often see the question – How do I manifest abundance? or how can I attract abundance from the universe? or How to manifest abundance in your life? – I will do my best to answer these questions or at least outline how to approach the topic.
How do I manifest abundance? We live in an abundant universe. This is evidenced by -e.g. an apple tree. In the right environment generally, the apple tree will produce an abundance of fruit, regardless of who shows up to pick the fruit. We have all seen it in the Fall, walking by a tree that is not even tended and the fruit is all over the ground. Abundance is that natural.
Now take that same tree and place it in a place of poor light, or drought conditions or a confined space, and it will still produce, although arguably less fruit that the first example. Next take that tree to a location where it receives a prefect amount of everything, healthy soil, rain, sunlight, good climate and its fruit will be abundant and its natural health will ward off many intrusions.
You see – like the apple tree, we are already producing fruit, however, if we do not know what or how we are producing things, chances are, we are producing things we do not want. Abundance is our natural nature, just as it is the nature of this world (think of how many leaves you have to rake in the fall). Nature, which we are part of, does abundance really well.
Some of the things that block our experience of what we want is that 1) we focus on the things we do not want and 2) we don’t understand the process of creation.
It’s a Multi-Step Process
Whatever we focus on expands.
Again, I will repeat
Whatever we focus on expands.
If you focus on bills and spending you will get more bills and reasons to spend.
If you focus on bringing money in and saving, you will usually be able to bring more money in and you may discover new and interesting ways to save.
We attract in our vibration. That’s right – if I am feeling crappy about: e.g. unexpected expenses, and say I am complaining about it. It will cause me to feel strong negative feelings. From there I become worried something unexpected will show up ‘out of the blue” and chances are it will as I have spent my energy creating it.
The Universe does not hear the word “not” or “don’t,” it does not filter the information for you, you have to filter the thoughts you give energy to.
Some fine examples of this are “I do not want another boyfriend like that” or “I don’t want another reason to spend money.”
Your vibration and focusing on what you don’t want is literally telling the universe “I have strong energy around boyfriends combined with that crappy feeling” and you get more of it. The second example would read like “she’s sending off strong signals around spending money” let’s send her more of that.
The Universe priorities whatever you prioritise – with your energy, action and feelings.
If you are taking good care of yourself, having fun and you feel good – it reads, she has strong vibrations around this combination – let’s send her more opportunities around that, it seems to light her up.
It’s really that simple. And then again, it’s not.
If you are in a funk, if things haven’t worked out in the past, and you still have understandably a hangover from past events. You will unintentionally give more energy to a state that you would likely like to move on from.
The good news is that you can move on from it, you can get yourself to a better feeling place, you can choose where you put your energy and what you focus on.
Gratitude and joy are two of the most potent energies to shift you from anywhere to better and that is a fact. The solve so many of the mini and big steps in your journey.
If all else is failing you and things are going kind of shitty. My best recommendation would be -stop what you are doing. Forget about trying to manifest anything for the moment and just do something, anything to bring you some relief from this negative feeling place first.
Once you start to feel neutral to better about something – it can be any area of your life or something completely different, you will start allowing better feelings in. Then see how your energy reacts at the thought of what you are trying to create. If the energy still feels heavy or out of alignment, go find something completely different to feel good about.
If you can feel good in one area of your life, then like osmosis, if can infiltrate other areas of your life and things can turn around before you know it.
Some may call it a Quantum Shift where shifting is intentionally changing your reality. In other words, it’s the act of moving or allowing your consciousness to line up with a whole other reality that you’ve envisioned or as I might put it changing your vibration to create a different outcome.
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Once you are in your flow, enjoy it and don’t try to hold on to the feeling, let it come and go like waves. In-Joy.
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