
Thoughts are things. Everything you see around yourself was once a thought. That is right, every item in a store, each building, vehicle, plane, school book and so on.  Even this creation was once a thought – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  But thought itself actually preceded the word.   Before the Word, there was Thought.


The mind is a very interesting thing, we were not given instructions on how to use it so we don’t use it very well.  The mind itself is the architect of our existence, yet we often treat it like a garbage pit, paying no attention to the idle thoughts that run it.  The act of thinking is actually one the requires a good deal of focus and attention.  Some people do it naturally, others rarely.  Instead they just process repeat and random thoughts but think they are thinking, and that’s not really the case.  The act of thinking is the process of applying our mind directly to a topic uninterrupted.  What most people experience as thinking is memories replaying, scenes and or conversations just replaying over and over again with no new perspective or value.

These looping thoughts are not helpful to our experience as 1) they take us out the the present moment and 2) they are usually not adding the value to our lives that we would like to experience. 

What have thoughts to do with health and healing?

What have thoughts to do with health and healing?  A lot actually.  The mind is our architect and if we are holding in mind thoughts of good health, a healthy body and so on, our outer world experience will strive to mirror what we are creating visually inside, with the thoughts that we hold in mind.  Our mind responds to the the pictures that we show it and the things that we tell it and the thoughts that we share with it. Good positive thoughts, pictures and words will most likely give us an outcome that we want, negative thoughts, pictures and words will most likely give us an unwanted outcome.

The mind is like a garden, plant and tend only to the seeds that you want to flourish, be vigilant and pull the others out like weeds.  Your mind is your garden of eden after all, you are the creator in your garden – what do you wish to grow?    

Our mind responds to the pictures we show it, the words we tell it and the information we feed it. What information are you feeding your mind?  What images are you holding in mind of health or ill health, what positive or negative words are you telling yourself, what information are you allowing into your field?  You can create the health you desire when you are deliberate with your actions and thoughts. We are only aware of a small portion of the thoughts that flow in and out of mind, most of our processing is subconscious. Contact me if you are interested in looking at the subconscious patterns and thoughts that run you. Information on sessions here.

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